Sleeve options for Custom Shirts

163 votes

I believe sleeve types should be something that the players themselves can choose for custom shirts. There isn't a ton of customization in terms of custom shirts as is, you're limited to only designing the front and back- and the collar on every shirt is locked to the same color. (Please let us change the collar color.) Letting the players who own a custom shirt pick the type of sleeves it has would open up more unique ways to express yourself. Not only that- there are players who already make custom shirts with a specific sleeve type in mind. Like a sun dress custom shirt, which wouldn't have sleeves- or a hoodie custom shirt that would ideally have long sleeves.

I understand that an idea like this is ambitious, but it would make the custom shirts feel like they're special. As a custom shirt creator, I know I would seriously appreciate this as an actual feature, and I'm sure many other creators would too.

Under consideration Bean Body - Items Full Body - Items Suggested by: Cazzcade Upvoted: 12 May Comments: 3

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